Training Blog

This is my training blog that details how I am getting on training for a cycle ride from my home in the West Midlands to Brixham, South Devon which is scheduled in June 2009. I am doing this to raise money for Rowcroft Hospice who cared for my mother who passed away in April 2008 due to Motor Neurone Disease.

Enjoy the read....I had not been on a bike since I was a teenager and this is a whole new world to me, however I am determined to succeed, for my Mum and for the personal challenge.

July 10th - New Route

Tonight I tried a new route which was a great route, it was only 12 miles however it was unknown and boy were there some hills! I managed however to do the 12.1 miles in 51mins 28seconds with an average speed of 14.1mph. I totally understand about warming into a ride. The first 5 miles are ALWAYS the worst, as the time goes on I get faster, stronger up hills and really feel like I can keep going. I really need to be pushing my distance now however it all about time. I did not get home until 7ish tonight, had dinner spent a few moments with the kids and then went out about 7:40pm. I have got to get the balance between biking, increasing my distance but spending time with the kids and Becks.

With this in mind I am not going to ride into work tomorrow or else it will mean missing the kids bedtime and that is very important to me. However I will go for a long ride on sunday. I think this 12mile route is a good after work ride, I can use this to try and beat my time, increase my speed. Sunday however I have now decided to do a 25 - 30 mile ride, (I may do the first half of the ride which we will be doing on 31st August).

Oh also I managed to increase my top speed to 29.4mph. However there were not many downhills tonight!

The Route

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