So I set off towards Kenilworth everything was going well until I was on the final hill into Kenilworth when I nearly fell off. The road was quite narrow but there was a lot of traffic. Basically due to a number of factors I got to close to the curb, my left peddle clipped the curb and I had seconds to react. I am not really sure what happened next however I managed to stay on the bike, just, but due to whatever happened both of my bottles got thrown off the bike and ended up in the middle of the road. I pulled onto the path and went back to retrieve my bottles. It was just one of those things really, it did not shake me up but it was just a reminder to concentrate more!!
I carried on minus drink which was left behind on the road and headed into Warwick, I then decided to cycle home the proper way, i.e. not using the lanes. This meant cycling up the hill near the Waterman which I had not done yet. Surprisingly it was OK although at the steepest point I was in lowest gear.
Anyway I did the 20 miles without drink in 1hr 20mins......Not fast enough really but It was good to get out.
Tuesday and Wednesday next week I am off work and plan back to back 50 mile rides!!!! Watch this space
Today Route: Here
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