Training Blog

This is my training blog that details how I am getting on training for a cycle ride from my home in the West Midlands to Brixham, South Devon which is scheduled in June 2009. I am doing this to raise money for Rowcroft Hospice who cared for my mother who passed away in April 2008 due to Motor Neurone Disease.

Enjoy the read....I had not been on a bike since I was a teenager and this is a whole new world to me, however I am determined to succeed, for my Mum and for the personal challenge.

Test Blog

This is a test blog from a iPhone app.

4 Days to go!

As John and Joy are doing really well on JOGLE I am putting the finishing touches to my preparation. To be honest I have done not enough training, the biggest single ride I have done is 55 miles. My first day is over 80 miles followed by another 80 miles then 50. I know this is going to hurt, but I have all day to complete this mileage and I know I can do it. What I am not sure about is what I will feel like on day 2 and 3!!

I have a plan. I will be setting off very early on Sunday morning (5am). The sooner I get the Chippenham the more recovery I have for the next day! Hopefully this will help.

You can follow me on Twitter at I will however update this blog every-night after the days ride.